Mimis Hotel
- 56 Frith St, London W1D 3JG
Project Manager
Project Overview
Positioned within the very heart of Soho Mimi`s puts you right on the doorstep of the Best London has to offer. This 58 bedroom hotel has a brand new quality construction behind historic facades and does not only offer high end and luxurious finishes but also a style that’s chic and opulent with a blend of boudoir.
We were engaged to carry out mastic application to all 58 rooms throughout the hotel. Our works included application to windows, floors and bathrooms. The use of anti-staining Ottoseal S70 sealant was required in the bespoke bathrooms where natural stone was widely used. All works were completed on time for the grand opening.
Get in Touch
If you would like to know more about this project or need help with your Mastic project, then please complete the following form and a member of our team will be in contact.